Director of Food Services
Food Service
Department Overview
The Reading School District Food Service Program is the fourth largest school food service operation in the State and produces 22,000 meals daily. The department consists of approximately 150 employees. We service 22 school sites and three contract sites. Since implementation of the Community Eligibility Provision of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, every student has access to a free breakfast and lunch daily. In addition, we serve breakfast in the classroom to students at our elementary and middle schools. Our breakfast in the classroom program has received both State and Federal recognition.
Food Service in the Reading School District
In Reading School District, our mission-driven Food Services staff work hard to ensure children are fueled up and ready to learn every day. They love providing nutritious meals — and a smile — to all of our Red Knight students and staff members. We are hiring! Work at Reading School District. For more information on how to join the food service team, visit:
Contact: Jennifer Wilinsky - Director of Food Services, 610-371-5607