RSD Summer Camps and Programs

ESL Newcomer Camp

Elementary and Middle School Newcomer Summer Program

  • Elementary Site: Amanda Stout

  • Middle School Site: Central Middle School

Tuesday, June 20th-Thursday, July 13th

Teacher Time: 8:00-12:00

Student Time: 8:30-12:00

Breakfast: 8:30 a.m.

Lunch: 11:30 a.m.

Transportation to each site will be offered for students who qualify. We plan to have interactive science activities and field trips with a focus on increasing English language skills for our Newcomers.

Extended School Year Program

Extended School Year (ESY) services are special education and related services provided to students with disabilities beyond the regular 180-day school year.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the federal special education law, requires school districts, intermediate units, and charter schools to provide ESY services if a student needs these services to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE).