District Response to Immigration Enforcement
Dear Families,
In the Reading School District, we pride ourselves on the diversity of our community. The rich cultures and languages of our students, faculty, and families are not only features but integral parts of our shared identity and experience. With this appreciation in mind, as a school community, we must commit to engaging in respectful, productive, and nonpartisan civic engagement in a safe and inclusive space. It remains our mission to ignite the infinite potential of our students and transform their potential into reality, regardless of their or their family’s immigration status.
This is a time of great uncertainty for members of our Red Knight family. There are many things occurring outside of the District’s control. So, we will focus on what we can control. While this message may not directly impact you or your family, please consider sharing it with others because it may impact them.
Here is what the District WILL do:
The District will provide a free and appropriate public education to all students in the Reading School District, regardless of their immigration status. See Board Policy 101 (Philosophy of Education/Mission Statement); 101.1 (Educational Equity); 103 (Discrimination); 200 (Enrollment).
This Constitutionally-protected right is based on forty (40) years of United States Supreme Court precedent. In Plyler v. Doe, the Supreme Court held that undocumented children have a constitutional right to a free public education. The Court determined that any governmental attempt to deny students this right based on their immigration status violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Plyler remains the law of the land, and the District has established policies and procedures that comply with this ruling, upholding the Constitutional rights of all students attending our schools.
The right to a free public education for all in Pennsylvania’s Public Schools is also protected by the Pennsylvania Constitution and related legislation enacted by the General Assembly.
The District will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch daily to all students in the Reading School District, regardless of their immigration status. See Board Policy 101 (Philosophy of Education/Mission Statement); 101.1 (Educational Equity); 103 (Discrimination); 808 (Food Services).
The District will continue to assist all students with their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and other processes to support their transition into postsecondary education, the military, and the workforce, regardless of their immigration status.
The District will continue to welcome parents and guardians into our schools for conferences, performances, competitions, and other opportunities to participate in and witness their students’ success as members of our Red Knight family, regardless of their immigration status. See Board Policy 904 (Public Attendance at School Events); 907 (School Visitors); 907.1 (Parent/Guardian Identification Cards); 908 (Relations with Parents and Guardians); 917 (Parent/Family Involvement); and 918 (Title I Parent and Family Engagement).
The District will continue to provide its students with opportunities to develop meaningful relationships with teachers, counselors, social workers, nurses, administrators, school security personnel, food service personnel, clerical personnel, paraprofessionals, custodial and tradespeople, and an entire community of caring adults who want to see all Red Knights succeed, regardless of their immigration status.
Based on the District’s 2018 Welcoming Schools Resolution, the District will continue to be a welcoming place for all students and their families to seek help, assistance, information, and safety from discrimination or harassment because of their actual or perceived ancestry, national origin, primary language, or immigration status.
Based on the District’s 2018 Welcoming Schools Resolution, the District will take all lawful steps to prevent any unnecessary disruption of our school system by any individuals or organizations whose purpose is to cause or whose actions contribute to the discrimination against, harassment of, and/or the targeting for enforcement of District students and their families because of their actual or perceived ancestry, national origin, primary language, or immigration status.
Based on the District’s 2018 Welcoming Schools Resolution, the District will take all lawful steps to prevent the unauthorized sharing of student information to any individuals or organizations consistent with its obligations under state and federal law, including the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, and District policies and procedures.
Here is what the District WILL NOT do:
The District WILL NOT permit law enforcement, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), to enter schools, except when absolutely required by law. See Board Policy 225 (Relations with Law Enforcement);
The District WILL NOT ask students or their families about their immigration status or collect documents from which your immigration status could be inferred for non-educational purposes. See Board Policy (200) Enrollment); 216 (Student Records).
The District WILL NOT share student records that contain personally-identifiable information with anyone, except when absolutely required by law or with consent from the parent or guardian. See Board Policy 207 (Confidential Communication of Students); 216 (Student Records).
The District, including its Department of Safe Schools, WILL NOT carry out any immigration-related activities or assist any other agency in doing so. See Board Policy 225 (Students/Relations with Law Enforcement); 805.1 (Operations/Relations with Law Enforcement); 805.2 (School Security Personnel).
The District WILL NOT report any students or their family for suspected violations of immigration law. See Board Policy 207 (Confidential Communication of Students); 216 (Student Records); 248 (Unlawful Harassment).
Here is what you can do now:
Update Emergency Contact Information
Please make sure that your child’s emergency contact information is updated, including the name, address, email, and telephone number of any and all adults who can pick up and care for your child in the event of an emergency.
Please contact your school clerk or Parent Outreach Assistant (POA) for assistance with this task.
Consider executing a springing power of attorney document to identify a temporary legal custodian for your child in the event of an emergency, and make sure that your child’s school has a copy.
Know your Rights
You have the right to remain silent.
You do not have to discuss your immigration or citizenship status with police, immigration agents, or other officials.
However, you should remain calm and respectful at all times when interacting with law enforcement.
You have the right to refuse to sign papers given to you by an immigration agent.
If an immigration agent asks if they can search you, you have the right to say no. Immigration agents do not have the right to search you or your belongings without your consent or without probable cause, though they may perform a brief pat you down if they suspect you have a weapon or other dangerous object.
If you’re over 18 years of age, carry copies of your immigration receipts and/or work permit at all times.
Showing proof of your status or a pending application will decrease the likelihood of being detained in a public space.
If you don’t have them, tell the officer that you want to remain silent, or that you want to consult a lawyer before answering any questions.
Leave originals, including any foreign passports, at home.
If an immigration agent asks to come into your home, you can refuse to let them in.
Immigration officials cannot enter a residence without a warrant signed by a judge.
You have the right to document and record your interaction with law enforcement.
You should advise the law enforcement officer that you're recording the interaction first.
Then, you should ask for their affiliation, name, badge number, and intended purpose for interacting with you.
Additional resources can be found here:
ACLU Video Series (available in: Spanish | Urdu |Arabic | Haitian Creole | Russian | Mandarin): We Have Rights | American Civil Liberties Union
AILA KYR Handouts (available in multiple languages): Know Your Rights Handouts: If ICE Visits a Home, Employer, or Public Space
iAmerica Infographics (Spanish): iAmerica Know Your Rights
Berks County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service: Client Referrals. Boundless Immigration: Know Your Rights as an Immigrant - Boundless
Immigrant Legal Resource Center: www.ilrc.org/sites/default/files/resources/kyr_two_pager_v2.pdf
Informed Immigrant: Know Your Rights - Informed Immigrant
National Immigrant Justice Center: Know Your Rights | National Immigrant Justice Center
United We Dream: Know Your Rights: A Guide for Immigrants - United We Dream
Over the coming weeks and months, the District will share reliable information and helpful resources with our school community. We will engage with local agencies to ensure that our families have the resources they need and the support they deserve. Lastly, we will review and revise our existing procedures and protocols to ensure that all students have the right to a free public education in our schools.
Dr. Jennifer Murray,
Superintendent of Schools