School Bus Rules

  • Student Rules for Safe Transportation

    District-provided transportation is an extension of the classroom, and access to district-provided transportation is a privilege. Students shall follow all bus rules and regulations to ensure the safety of students, school staff, and the community. Rules include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Students can only ride their assigned bus and should be prepared to show their school ID/bus pass.
    • Sit in your assigned seat and stay seated at all times.
    • Be courteous, and do not use inappropriate language or gestures.
    • Follow the driver’s instructions the first time.
    • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
    • Do not eat or drink on the bus.
    • Do not deface, destroy or tamper with the bus or its equipment.
    • Keep all parts of your body and objects in the bus at all times.

    Failure to comply with the rules can cause a short-term or long-term loss of transportation privileges up to and including:

    Transportation Progressive Discipline Plan
    • 1st Offense: Driver student conference & parent/guardian contacted (courtesy notice)
    • 2nd Offense: Driver student conference & parent/guardian contacted (courtesy notice) student assigned to the front of the bus for one week.
    • 3rd Offense: Referral submitted, 1-day bus suspension Conference with student, parent/guardian notified. Upon return, student assigned to the front of the bus for one week
    • 4th Offense: Referral submitted, 3-day bus suspension Conference with student, parent/guardian notified. Upon return, student assigned to the front of the bus for two weeks & student placed on behavior contract.
    • 5th Offense: Referral submitted, 5-day bus suspension Conference with student, parent/guardian, transportation staff & school administrator to discuss bus suspension for the remainder of the year. Student Assigned to the front of the bus for the remainder of the year.
    • 6th Offense: Bus suspension for the remainder of the school year

    Any behavior considered disruptive or unsafe by the school bus driver or administration will be handled per the Reading School District Code of Student Conduct. Administration may
    accelerate discipline based on the severity of the Code of Student Conduct violation. (Manifestation Determination Review process may take place for students with IEPs.)