COVID-19 Continuity of Education Plan
Goal of Plan
The intent of the Reading School District plan is to continue the education of all students enrolled through remediation and enrichment. The Reading District has approximately 18,000 students enrolled from diverse backgrounds. The district participates in community based free and reduced lunch programs so 100% of students are provided free breakfast and lunch. The goal is to provide equal access to education to all students despite the challenges that some students face while living in poverty.
Update as of April 20, 2020:
THe school district will transition to planned instruction for K-12 and distribute chromebooks for students to use in their home.
Overview of Plan
The plan focuses on communicating offline and online materials focused on remediation and enrichment and planned instruction to families and students through the utilization of google classrooms, email, phone, or dojo messaging. Teachers have the opportunity to virtually plan with their grade level/content area one day a week to offer a variety of resources for students. Teacher created materials are provided for students electronically or hard copied at food distribution sites. There are challenges that exist in reaching students who do not have devices or connectivity at home. RSD will distribute chromebooks for student use in the home to connect with the planned instruction mode of teaching and learning.
COVID-19 Continuity of Education Plan
School District
Reading School District
Dr. Jennifer Murray
800 Washington Street
Reading, PA 19601
Building and Grade-Level Contacts
Teaching and Learning Departments
Contact Wanda Crespo
Special Education
Contact Siobhan Leavy
Professional Development
Contact JuliAnne Kline
Curriculum Resources
Contact Kevin Handerhan or Dr. Lindsey Stock
Team/Department Meetings
Contact Building Principals
Google Questions
Contact Building Principals
General Questions
Contact Building Principals
Contact Dr. Jennifer Murray